On being a Gemini

Faz Rahman
3 min readDec 9, 2020

When people ask me ‘what are you?’ (in that clumsy roundabout sorta way for asking me what my ethnic origin is); I deadass look ’em in the eye and reply ‘Gemini.’ This usually gets an eyeroll and then a long protracted conversation about my ethnicity. Geminis get a hard time, we’re maligned as being two faced, eccentric, childish, difficult and air-heads. I am here to refute alladis.

You see being labelled as ‘difficult’ is intellectually lazy (yeaahhhh, I said it) on the part of the labeller. Am I really difficult though or are you just weak Mofo?

Perhaps I am not difficult, perhaps not all Geminis are toxic and in fact the rest of y’all are just frustrated by our innate ability to run rings around you and not allow you to breach our boundaries? If I honestly had a £ for each time someone said I was difficult (and to my face), I would be as rich as the Sultan of Brunei. Look, I get it, I get that for a lot of people, you are not comfortable with Geminis’ cognitive dissonance on just about everything, I refuse to commit to a perspective just because its the right thing to do, and it’s not because I like being a contrarian The Spectator reading asshole either, sometimes I just don’t care enough about whatever it is. I accept that our unrelenting commitment to being right and reframing it as ‘I don’t like confrontations, so lets just cut the crap and accept that I’m right from the jump’ infuriates the fuck out of y’all, but let’s face it guys: we generally are always right:

I go through life knowing that bad people with bad intentions label me as ‘difficult’ because it’s easier for them. I have boundaries, I have expectations, I. Will. Not. Let. Shit. Slide, so sorry Sir or Ma’am or my little gender-binary non conforming friend: I wasn’t put here to make life easier for you, if you want a piece of me, you gotta earn that right. Slay those fucking dragons, bring me the fucking precious. You gotta know the difference between me being difficult and challenging. A challenge = a provocation but with reward, difficult = hard as fuck to do with minimal reward. I, Sir; am challenging but I am not fucking difficult. I am fucking cute as a button, smart as a whip and a ripe juicy peach for someone out there.

If you are a Gemini and you’re reading this, friend: stomp your way through life, and keep doing you (just remember not to be toxic, and if more than one person has pointed out some toxic patterns of behaviour — then you know, deal with that shit, but don’t bend just because some lazy MF can’t manipulate you).

